Lower Nicola Site Services (LNSS ), a partnership between Infracon and the Lower Nicola Indian Band Corp., was contracted by Worley Cord LP to perform civil earthwork expansion and extend permanent fencing as part of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP). LNSS utilized a local and Indigenous labour force for most of the work. The project incorporated over 8,106 Indigenous man-hours.
As part of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP), LNSS performed strategic steep slope excavations, using GPS technology to create sufficient area for the pump station expansion, while creating additional lay down spaces for the construction teams. LNSS further provided support to electrical, piling and craning activities for trenching, access pioneering and structural pad construction. All installed materials and products passed the rigorous quality control programs set by the facility owner, along with operating multiple work headings within an operational pump station.
375 m chain link fencing.
Demolish existing site utilities.
37,000 m3 excavation to stockpile and fill.
1 Ha clearing and grubbing.
Support Worley Cord for Line 1 and 2 works, along with structural and mechanical installation.