Infracon is excited to announce the achievement of reaching 1 million-man hours without a lost time accident, a significant milestone.

“Reaching the 1 million manhour mark without an LTI is something that every individual in our company should be extremely proud of. This milestone is proof that Infracon is dedicated to our core value of “Safety. No excuses” while also completing our projects in a productive and efficient manner. I would like to personally thank and congratulate our employees at Infracon who worked so hard to make this possible with a special thank you to Sandy Markvicka and the safety department for all their effort.” Doug Rennie, General Manager.

Infracon believes in a proactive approach to all aspects of health and safety driven through a program of consistent employee engagement from the top down, to ensure the best working conditions for all employees, contractors and visitors across all worksites. Sandra Markvicka, Infracon’s HSE Manager, says “the success of our safety program could not be possible without the daily participation and dedication of our Supervisors and site crews. This reflects their commitment to making safety our top priority every day on challenging job sites. Congratulations and thank you for your hard work.”

Infracon’s President and CEO stated that the safety landmark was obtained as a team objective and one we wouldn’t have achieved, if not for the hard work and effort from all of our employees. He commended the effort of Sandra Markvicka and the safety department for developing and evolving our safety program to where it is at today and looks forward to our continued success.

Infracon is constantly working to improve the safety program and culture to ensure all employees go home healthy and safe every day.